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The Aviation industry employs more than 90,000 people across its five main sub-sectors: domestic commercial aviation, international commercial aviation, general aviation, air-freight transport and aviation support infrastructure.
The Rail industry employs more than 165,000 people across more than 900 companies comprised of private & public operators, passenger & freight operators, track owners & managers, manufacturers & suppliers.
The Maritime industry in Australia is currently the world’s 5th largest in terms of the tonnage of its inbound and outbound freight task. 10 per cent of the world’s sea trade passes through Australian ports.
Road freight in Australia specialises in delivering time-sensitive, perishable commodities, consumer goods and construction material. Road competes with rail in moving bulk commodities over longer distances.
The logistics and warehousing sector is an integral part of Australia’s supply chain employing more than 373,000 people across occupations including warehousing, logistics, storage and handling distribution.
Road Passenger
The Road Passenger sector includes businesses that provide passenger transport such as buses, coaches & taxis. Commuter transport services dominate with charter services making up a smaller portion of industry activity.
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About VET
VET 4 T&L is a first of its kind within industry, supporting skill development within all businesses within the entire supply chain. Including; road transport, rail, aviation, passenger transport, maritime and logistics sectors. This program has been established as part of the Industry Skills Advisory Program and is funded by the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training to support ongoing reform and operations of the vocational education and training system relating to the contestable skills market in Queensland.